Jinjira Palace or Jinjira Prashad in Bengali is a very important part of the history of Bengal, Cause after the defeat of Nawab Siraj Ud Daula his family members were imprisoned inside this building including his wife & daughter.

Jinjira Palace Dhaka

Jinjira Palace is situated in Keraniganj, Dhaka just few hundred yards in distance from Buriganga river. After the defeat of Nawab Siraj Ud Daula, his wife & child daughter was imprisoned inside this building by the direction of Miron son of traitor Mir Jafor. Mir Jafor used Ghoseti begum till defeating Nawab Siraj Ud Daula, but after defeating Nawab Siraj Ud Dawla Ghoseti Begum was also imprisoned in Jinjira Prashad that was known as Haveli at that time. Nawab Siraj Ud Daula’s mother, aunty was also imprisoned in this building along with others. Later Ghoseti Begum & Amena Begum was killed by sinking in water by the direction of Miron. Miron had plan to kill Nawab’s mother, wife & daughter. But in the interference of Clive they were transferred to Murshidabad & they lived by the very minimum scholarship given by the English Company Government. After 34 years of Nawb’s death his wife Lutfunnesa passes away at the year of 1790.

Hanging Platform of Jinjira Palace

Jinjira Palace recent lloks

Making of Jinjira Palace:
The constuction style of Jinjira palace was exacts to Boro Catra but the space inside, height & length is very much narrow. In the west part of this building there is two parallel dome, towards in the middle there is dome without lid & in the east exact to hut there is pirate style roof on the hole building. The building was constructed by Mughal subedar Ibrahin Khan ll in the year between 1689-1697 to serve as his pleasure.

Jinjira Palace The historical Architecture

Jinjira Palace

Current Visibility of Jinjira Palace:
Jinjira palace is mostly possessed by locals as authority isn’t seems much concern to take care of this ancient historic palace. The new buildings constructed around & only very few things of Jinjira Haveli is visible now. You can see the Entrance Arcade, Two palace in two different place & a stage looks alike Hanging Platform.

Jinjira Prashad Keraniganj Dhaka

As per local peoples “there was a hidden way to visit Lalbagh Fort or Lalbag Kella situated in other side of the river directly from Jinjira Palace. But archaeologists yet not found that tunnel. And there is a myth also that tunnel is cursed. Anyone found & enter in the tunnel never comes back. But in history there is nothing mentioned so confidently regarding this.